Monday, September 28, 2009


The UN has come to a peaceful solution with the ET's.  The ET's have promised to stop controlling the water and attacking as long as they are allowed to live peacefully in the Toronto Zoo (Along with an unlimited supply of cat food).

World structure under attack!

The ET's have now prepared to attack the worlds great wonders!  Classes cancelled!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Boat Building!

The Aliens have made it continually rain!! Prepare yourself like my neighbours by building a boat!

Continuing with the extraterrestrial!

Scientist's have confirmed that aliens control the worlds water!!

Water around the world is swallowing up everything in site! Stay away!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pocket Blog

Helloooooooooooooooo bloggin world!
Here is my first EVER blog for COMM 2P95!
I was asked to look into my pocket and blog about what was found.
The lucky object chosen was a receipt for a recent film, District 9.
Thoughts on the movie:
1) Very intense film that won't leave anyone bored, even if you can't pass the interaction of the humans with the prawns
2) Far fetched - I understand people enjoy films as they allow us to be 'lost' in the film, but this film was to unbelievable for me to completely enjoy it. When my friends and family asked me about the film, I found myself laughing at the basic plot of the film.
3) Even though I found myself laughing at the plot and the ridiculousness of the interactions of the prawns, I would still recommend this film to anyone who slightly enjoys sci-fi's!

What are your thoughts on the film?!